When you find out your money is gone, and a dog just sit on the floor, what is the connection between these two incidents? And the lesson teach us that we must go to bed before is too late. And we can learn from here is.....
These two incidents and the lesson is not relate at all.....
In our life, we always meet this kind of people who like to talk nonsense, do something that totally not relate with the thing we plan. Let me tell you this, when we meet this kind of person, means you have a normal life and live in a normal world.
And we call this kind of person as "zho bo lang".......
Seriously, I always meet this kind of person when I was in school and also college. I thought that only people will do like this because they haven't start mature yet. But I was totally wrong when I started my practical's life two weeks ago.
You see, when we celebrate teacher's day, what is the main purpose for this celebration? If you were here with me, you will totally said and praise your own school for sure. Just like a teacher told me: I don even know what is the purpose of doing such thing in this kind of day, better just let me home and sleep...... I'm not try to sarcasm but this is true.
Or another example, when we have a meeting, for sure that they one who owner us to attend the meeting should plan that what we going to discuss in the meeting. But.....nothing, just went into the meeting room and "cakap-cakap sahaja"....... wow!!!! Totally "keng"!!!!
Everything I learn from this school.....are totally not relate at all. So what I gonna do now? Well, I can heard that Lucifer and Michael are greet with me opposite the River of Styx. If you ask me why Lucifer and Michael and also River of Styx, and what is the connection between these all stuff. I can tell you that the first two person are the character in Supernatural and the River of Styx is one of the thing I read in Greek Mythology. The connection between these items is HELL.....try to figure out why the answer is hell by yourself, savvy?
P/s: At least my conclusion is relate with what I said, am I?
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